The best way to be prepared in the case of a plumbing emergency is by ensuring that you have the correct tools at home. With these five easy-to-use items, homeowners can fix most common problems on their own without calling an expensive plumber or waiting around until they are needed outside of work hours - which could take days! The following list includes four types: snake Camera System (for video inspections), inspection camera with light & sound; publicBeta privy repair toolset; Lead pipe cutter/ Extractor: These essential pieces of equipment will help keep everyone safe and sound while saving money.
The plunger is a very useful tool for resolving plumbing issues. It can be used to clear clogs in toilets, kitchen sinks and other drains at home or workplace depending on the type that fits your needs best! There are two main types of plungers available - flange style which has wide surface area contact with water compared cup-style variants whose cups fit tightly around any size Atlas drain so they don't allow wastes past them easily even when blocked by stubborn substances like hair roots etc.; each comes into its own specific application dependent upon what kind problem you're facing here but either way no matter how big it gets this handy little gadget will always find some use somewhere
The basin wrench will come in handy when you need to tighten up some nuts on your plumbing fixtures. It features two separate heads so it can be used for both small tasks like fixing leaks or loosening bolts, as well other large jobs such has tightening faucet handles and preventing puddles from happening while they're being installed!
When working with pipes and other plumbing tools, pliers are an essential piece of equipment. The type recommended for this job is called tongue-and groove metal grabbing jaws that have been designed to fit snugly around nuts or bolts without too much pressure being applied by their handles making them perfect when fixing leaks at home The Plumber's Toolkit: A must own supply!
Auger: This handy tool can be used for both cleaning drains and unclogging them. The auger will break down any clogs in the drain, making it easier to remove than if they were just sitting there doing their job alone.
Teflon tape is a type of sealant often used in plumbing. It's typically applied to tightly sealing pile joints and fittings, though its use can vary depending on what you're working with - from pipes all the way down t0 small valves like those found under sinks or washing machines! This strong yet pliable layer won't let anything get between it and your property- even if that thing has teeth…
It's wise to have these tools at home. However, a professional plumber is likely to save the day. They work quickly, efficiently - even on an emergency basis! Not only will they have all necessary tools but also know how to best use them so that everything gets taken care of.
Check out this article for some additional plumbing tool ideas!
Pipe Dope or Plumbers Tape
Any time you take off the fittings for a plumbing line or work on a joint, you break the seal. To re-seal these areas, a thorough coating of plumber’s tape, also known as thread seal tape, is a must. Once dry, plumbers tape creates a watertight fit between pipes.
Pipe Threader
After cutting the pipe, you have a clean, smooth shaft, all the way to the end. That means you can’t attach any fittings or joints without a little help from a pipe threader. These manual or electric tools quickly add threads to the end of a pipe. Load up the head, crank it around, and watch as it carves new threads cleanly into your copper piping.
Plumbers Torch
For the experienced home repairman, a plumbers torch can be a great addition to the toolbox. With one of these available, you can heat up stubborn pipes, solder when necessary and even create brazed pipe joints.
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